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Glendalough Graveyard

Glendalough never ceases to keep giving me photo opportunities. It really is a stunning place with so much to see. I think over the next day or so I shall  put up a few more of the photos I took from there that very windy wet Sunday. I took this photo at the graveyard that surrounds the monastery. While the clouds were as grim as the photo shows I have spookified (if that is even a word) the image a little bit. If you don’t have anything to do while the sun is out you should get to Glendalough and enjoy its magnificence.


Maybe I should have kept this as a Halloween post, ah well.


In other news I think the location for the Photowalk taking place on Sunday the 28th has been decided, it is looking like Bray! If you have not registered for the walk please do so by clicking this link.


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